Tag Archives: family

decorative cookie molds

Traditional springerle cookies have been made in these decorative molds for hundreds of years and they so very lovely. I learned about them from the House on the Hill site. They have a huge collection of molds as well as videos on how to use them. The basics are to brush the molds with a bit flour so they don’t stick and then let the cookies set before baking them so they don’t spread. There is also a wonderful article on the Wall Street Journal Food and Drink site that is super informative and contains great recipes in which to make springerle cookies. I would love to try my hand baking them someday. Thinking back, the reason I fell in love with these cookies is because the icedĀ springerle cookies reminded me so much of the big cookie I got at Oktoberfest when I was young (looks like this).

I have been thinking a lot about family traditions and which ones are precious to me. I have fond memories of baking with my mother around the holidays and it was something that I always looked forward to. I felt that I learned a lot because I was so interested and having fun in the kitchen. I would love to bake with Emma but not just around holidays. We talk a lot about making our days special and not placing all of the importance on a birthday or traditional holiday. Taking the emphasis off of the day and associating it with the experience and the people we share it with. I like to celebrate the everyday.

being a new mom

Our baby is now 2 weeks old. She is growing and getting stronger every day. I am very much enjoying our time together even though I sometimes feel like a bit of a zombie. Anyone who has cared for an infant knows that sleep is the one part of your life that gets thrown out the window. I try to nap but its hard for me to settle down during the day. Generally I crash between ten and eleven and sleep anywhere from thirty minute to three hour blocks until I feel rested enough to stay awake while Emma sleeps. Time and dates are a blur. Lucky for me maiki has been on call for Emma until he falls into bed around four a.m. I still feed her every two to three hours but its nice to have him do everything else.

I have been able to breast feed her and finally feel like we are finding our rhythm and my nipples are toughening up. Many people have told me that they tried it and were not successful. Despite the initial pain, I have strong feelings about feeding her this way so I have pushed through. I have not had any major hurdles so far and am hoping that it just gets easier from here on out. There are moments when I realize that Emma is completely dependent upon me for survival in every sense. Its scary in the early days when you struggle to find balance and regain your own health so that you can give it all to your child. I wouldn’t do anything differently but it can really stress new moms out! I have found that breast feeding sure is convenient when we are out and about. I have not felt shy about feeding her in public. Finding appropriate clothing to nurse in has been a bigger concern of mine.

I have a new respect for mothers that I could only have by becoming one myself. I have a new fear of earthquakes too. Soon I will have to share Emma’s birth story. There were two earthquakes the day she was born and there have been at least two since she was born. You know that site the Burning House? I have two things on my list and nothing else compares. If maiki and Emma are with me then I am okay.