Tag Archives: susan magnolia

february 2022 in photos

Bird watching in Alameda.

Emma’s favorite outfit this month.

Making valentine’s.

Magnolia tree in our neighborhood.

Looking grown up wearing mama’s robe.

Wearing her cape on our outing to the Oakland museum.

Emma’s self portrait.

Reading to Gene.

Working in the bonsai garden.

I sat by this quince and read “Crying in H Mart” over several afternoons.

My peeps.


We attended the Nutcracker ballet at the Paramount Theater. The ballet was beautiful and Tchaikovsky’s music is our favorite. Unfortunately this time the theater sold popcorn and caramel corn in crunchy sounding plastic bags that people are during the performance. Our seats were not far from the orchestra but the sound of crinkly plastic pervaded our ears. Bad choice on the theater’s behalf to detract from the lovely performance.

Team Lab at the SF Asian Art museum

We visited the SF Asian Art museum to see the exhibition “Continuity” by Team Lab. The projections of flowers, birds, butterflies were so beautiful and immersive. From the moment I stepped inside I smelled flowers and it was warm and dreamy, especially compared to the stormy weather outside the museum. I am so thankful that Emma and I were invited to see it!