productive while I am procrastinating

Feeling productive and very domestic on my day off today.

*Called about charge to my bank card that I didn’t authorize.

*Talked to my Mom on the phone to check in with her and ended up having a political debate.

*Sat out on my balcony and drank tea in the sun with the new plants (bamboo and salvia). Very relaxing after the previous phone calls.

*Read my news feeds. Discovered a new artist and a new site to follow (well they are new to me anyways). And a new graphic designer that I adore.

*Made all the meals that I ate today. Super eggs (egg whites, soy milk, salsa and s+p, scrambled) and pizza (T.J.’s dough, soy mozzarella, olives, marinara sauce).

*Washed three bags of laundry at the laundromat. Put said clothes away. Hung them on hangers in layers that look cute to wear.

*Organized and cleaned out the closet. Took bag of clothes/shoes to the give-away box.

*Watched a Lawrence Lessig video and received a quick, yet succinct history lesson in the experience of America’s past VP’s.

*Rode bikes with Jason to the Berkeley Bowl and bought some groceries. Purchased a bottle of olive oil for homework that I will be creating a new label, logo and design for.

*Wrote a blog post. ^_^

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