busy days

I have been so busy lately getting accustomed to my new school and work schedule. Plus it’s the beginning of the semester so I feel extra frantic to pick up supplies and be prepared for the class that I am going to. It has been interesting and at first a bit stressful, but once I admitted that I was stressed out and that was okay I got over it. The trouble is that I care more about how I perform now that I am so focused on Graphic Design. I want to be so good and have to admit that this is just the beginning. I am happy though because I am starting to get the fundamentals down. This semester is all about the materials and producing my designs by hand. It can be overwhelming because my hand skills are not yet up to par but I am taking it slow. My work is improving and so is my confidence that I can master the tricks of the trade.

The wonderful thing about taking classes at the Academy of Art is that my instructors have shared a lot of real world information pertaining to the work that we are doing. They explain the industry standards and what is expected from design professionals. One of my instructors has worked with non-profits and smaller companys and another in design firms with big name clients. I feel that their input is so valuable and its neat that I am recieving a well-rounded view. Also it is great how all of my professors teach similar concepts and programs but each offer new insight to the material. I am getting excited for what is to come. There is logo work, print design, and some package design.

I am going to continue to work at the Pasta Shop on the weekends. It pays the bills and I get free food so that makes it worth my time. The funny thing is that it doesn’t leave me much time to do my homework and then there’s the laundry and grocery shopping, etc. that I have defintiely been neglecting. I guess I will just have to live on fresh pasta and raviolis until I get the hang of my new schedule. And I surely will not run out of clothes. *_*

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