Creative Commons celebrates 5 years *_*

maiki and I went to the city and attended the CC birthday party where we hung out with Lawrence Lessig and Joi Ito. It was awesome. I donated some monies and received a cool Moleskine journal with CC and Mozilla imprinted on it. Also they gave me a Zagat restaurant guide for San Francisco. We took a lot of photographs with the new Lomo and cannot wait to get them developed. It was a fun party and Lawrence Lessig gave an awesome talk as usual. He shared info about a couple of new forms of CC licensing and updated the crowd on their new funding and worldwide support of CC. And they had awesome chocolate cake. Maybe the best I have ever eaten. I always meet new and interesting people at CC events and tonight talked to a cool guy about free culture site which I shall start reading up on after I get some sleep. maiki was so excited that he got to talk to so many accessible and friendly guys like Lawrence, Joi, and Jimmy Wales. He was geeking out. I was just glad to be there. Now I am going to upload my digital photos from the event and listen to the new DJ Spooky CD’s they were giving out at the party. Whee!

0 thoughts on “Creative Commons celebrates 5 years *_*

  1. I’m so bummed I missed your guys’ phone call. I listened to it this morning, and I was like.. “Jimbo Wales, why does that sound familiar..” Then I looked him up, and OMG!

    I would’ve kissed his ring, swore allegiance or something.

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