Tag Archives: lowly worm

making lowly worm

We went to JoAnn’s fabric store when we were in L.A. and purchased felt for our Lowly Worm project. Later that day we asked my sister Joan to help us with the sewing materials that we needed, and she graciously sewed Lowly together with her sewing machine. My niece Claire and I designed the parts of his body and Joan sewed and stuffed Lowly to life. There was a little bit of hand sewing required and it came together easily. Lowly was so fun to make, I am ready for the next felt project! ^_^


Joan had both Emma and her cat to contend with while she tried to sew Lowly together on the machine.


Here is Lowly the next morning, before the hand sewing of his smile and shoe laces.

Photo on 1-31-15 at 10.57 AM #3

We are so happy.