We have had our table for five or six years now but we always had a long bench that was sold with it from Ikea. It is incredibly useful along with the matching stool. We have used them all over our apartment. I eventually decided that I wanted a chair with a back rest, especially during my months with long covid and picked out chairs that fit just right. They look great together and are very comfortable.
Tag Archives: ikea
like Goldilocks
Like Goldilocks, trying out all the chairs til she found the one that fits.
new furniture
We now have a couch type thing in our living room. Yay! It is three separate pieces: two comfortable chairs and one ottoman that doubles as storage. Very comfortable and easy to move. Emma also got an easel and we have another small end table, this time in orange. Thank you Ikea. Now we just need a lamp in this living room and it will be complete. ^_^
shopping for baby
I have started to buy a few things for the baby. First board books and then last weekend I picked up a few items of clothing at the local children’s consignment shop (great for maternity clothes too!) Traveling to LA in a couple weeks to visit family and they will be throwing us a baby shower. At only five months along, and only two days after out first ultrasound, we decided to go with gift cards/credits to the places we will shop. We decided early on to use Tiny Tots diaper service and they have a lovely store for registry as well. It will be nice if we receive credit to the diaper service!
Its hard not to pick out everything that I want and get it now. However we have a small cottage and do not yet have room to bring in all of the baby’s new stuff yet. Looking into storage solutions, cleaning out everything and honing in on the things that we will really need for baby. Picked out a crib at Ikea last weekend and the only other big furniture item we would like is a rocking chair. Need to start combing craigslist!
The one thing that I am set on getting is a summer blanket and/or quilt from Muny. Gosh I love their products so very much. ^_^