Tag Archives: children’s fairyland

Story time at Fairyland

Every Friday at 3pm you will find us at the  Storytime at Children's Fairyland. Clover loves to help out at the end by cleaning up the lily pads (pillows) and putting away the benches.

Every Friday at 3pm you will find us at the story time at Children’s Fairyland. It works out really well for us and we catch the puppet show either before of after. The story times are run by volunteers and it is neat to experience their varying styles. They each read different stories, sing different songs and chose to bring out different manipulatives-like a felt board, scarves or egg shakers. Clover loves to help out at the end by cleaning up the lily pads (pillows) and putting away the benches so now they all know us. We both appreciate that our Friday routine attending Fairyland is constant but there is so much variety with each visit. Children’s Fairyland is really a treasure to us.

waiting for the puppet show

waiting for the puppet show (the Dragon Who Wasn't) in the shade

Waiting to watch the puppet show “The Dragon Who Wasn’t” at Children’s Fairyland. Sitting in the shade as its eighty degrees today. Welcome Summer!

The Dragon Who Wasn’t May 30 – July 14.
An original tale written by fledgling puppeteer Frank Oz in the 1960s. Written by the teen for Oakland’s famous Vagabond Puppet program, it is a funny tale about a magical kingdom in desperate need of its own fire-breathing dragon. Based loosely on the classic cartoons of Jay Ward’s Fractured Fairy Tales. Puppets by Jesse Vail of Fool Moon Puppetry, and scenery by Annie Wong.

friday fun day

friday fun day

Friday is our Fairyland day. Even though they are now open Wednesday through Sunday for their spring schedule, we prefer Friday afternoons. We attend a puppet show and story time and have just enough time for a few other favorites without getting bored. Every week we see different friends and it is a different experience. I prefer to visit on a less crowded day and miss out on some of the weekend activities, but we always have the option of popping in whenever we like since we live so close!