I love this kid. I am so happy I get to spend my days with her and maiki. I am so very content.
I read a little bit about this book, All Joy and No Fun and I think that it sounds so interesting. I will have to pick it up. Some days I really feel it—that this job is no fun. But most of them are filled with more joy than I could have imagined. I have embraced the mundane and try to live in the moment. Also I have learned to connect with other humans as much as I can, mainly adults. It helps me a lot to have conversations with not two-year-olds during the day. I have been meeting more people here in Oakland and am thankful even for those brief conversations that strike up between parents. I feel more connected, both to my family and our community. I know that life only gets better from here on out as my child learns to speak more and more. Its a gift.