It was drawn by Jason and I love the colors so much. I am glad that I finally got over myself and hung it up. Our place is starting to feel more like home all the time.
It was drawn by Jason and I love the colors so much. I am glad that I finally got over myself and hung it up. Our place is starting to feel more like home all the time.
Hehe, in retrospect it was probably a bit cruel to even give it to you, since it’s not very good and yet you’d probably feel some obligation to put it up. That’s what I painted on day 5 when I started; seeing it again makes me want to clean it up, now that I have a bit of skill :p
Oh I didn’t want to be conceited. It felt weird but I like it and was sad it lived in a box. It goes so well with all the acrylic painting that Emma has been doing. My white walls are colorful now.
Emma came out after her nap the day I hung it up and the first thing she said was “mama” pointing to the wall. I was so happy!
My goodness, Emma is too cute. That makes me super happy too