I was so happily taken aback when I read this post on EZ’s blog called “Things I’m Afraid To Tell You.” I just felt like finally I could withstand reading my long list of design blogs again because the writers were finally being honest. Bri from DesignLoveFest wrote a similar post and I really enjoy that she always shares her true self and not just the pretty pictures. I don’t have a lot of time for blogs these days and I have been personally feeling uninspired by everything that I was seeing in my reader (except maybe graphic design on DesignWorkLife). I had been thinking so much about the reasons why I blog as well so I decided to make a list so I could weigh its importance.
I like having a visual scrapbook.
I like sharing my life with friends that I have in real life since I rarely see them.
I like that I own this place (my domain).
I like that I can be myself and share any interest that I may have.
I like having a record of my days around the sun.
So blog wins. I still don’t make time for it very often though. ^_^
Now onto why being a mom is the best/hardest job that I have ever had. Working 40 hours a week with children is exhausting on its own but being a mom on top of that is crazy hard. Ha! I love every second of my life with Emma Clover. I feel that when I see her I want to give her the world and I have energy for the both of us! Hopefully I have eaten/drank water/slept because taking care of her becomes my priority. I rarely feel that I have any extra time for lame chores like cleaning the cottage. I still hold myself accountable for these tasks though so that is my biggest struggle. Trying to let it go. Being with maiki and Emma is more important to me than anything else.
About to embark on a little trip (okay BIG trip) to So Cal. Hope it goes swimmingly.