tales of a gamer girl

Friday maiki and I went to Game Stop and picked up two new black DS Lites. This was my very first game console and I also got three games to play with. I picked out Brain Age, Mah Jong and Arctic Tale. So far I am having a lot of fun with it. Playing games on the Bart really makes the time go by super fast. I have been looking at getting a gel skin for it and there are lots of neat artists on this site. I am having a difficult time deciding which one to chose.

I also made a character for Lord of the Rings Online, a game which my friends love. She is a hobbit minstrel and I named her Lilyfoot. I played through a bit of the beginning, just long enough to kill some spiders. I am hoping to be a healer for my friends and learn more about the crafting and baking abilities that you can have. It sounds fun and the world is really beautiful. This is really my first venture into the world of video gaming and it seems that since school has ended I have dove head first into it. hehe *_*

0 thoughts on “tales of a gamer girl

  1. Yay! Now you’re playing LOTRO too. This will be so much fun. I cannot wait to get my new computer put together, so I can see the world how it should be seen.

    I’m jealous you all have DS lites. 🙂

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