My first week was a bit hectic but I made it through. My bicycle however did not make it. The back tire went flat the first day of school and when it was fixed it went flat again and was experiencing even more technical difficulties. I ended up buying a new one and it is divine! Anyways, back to school- I walk a lot because I learned that the shuttles are too popular for my tastes (I like to know that I will get to class on time). I visited the art store pretty much everyday to buy all of the supplies I would need for Printmaking and Sketching in that first week. Between Bart fare, food + drinks, books, supplies, and a new bicycle I spent a lot of moneys! It was crazy to be taking four classes because I felt like that all the work being assigned was due right away because I kept going to class. I had yet to realize that for the most part I had a week and time on weekends to get everything done in time. It is working pretty well out so far and I have all of the programs that I will be using on both “Cloud” (my iMac desktop) & Ichigo (powerbook lappy). I am excited about all of the things that I am learning and it keeps me busy. Also I get to travel to San Francisco four days a week which is awesome to me.
I hope you are doing ok with balancing your school load. Remember that your Flash class is BY FAR the most important one to focus on. (Then you can help me with flash!)