Tag Archives: play dough

making play dough

making play dough

I am really getting lazy about following play dough recipes. I let Emma scoop flour into the big bowl, added some salt and water and a little oil at the end. Really not sure that exact measurements could matter when we are just going to squish it and flatten it into the table. I know that at school (all of them) we used cream of tartar but its not an ingredient that I have at home. Lately I have read up on all sorts of play dough recipes on Pinterest with one even including conditioner and dubbed the softest dough ever. I figured the simple and natural version was best with lots of salt so Emma won’t be inclined to just eat it. ^_^

Emma of course brought over the buttons and muffin tin to use and ended up playing with the buttons exclusively. They are her great obsession at the moment. I am listening to Gymnopédies on repeat this rainy morning and enjoying the quiet time with my baby. It seems I made the play dough for myself after all.