I have been taking in a lot of internets while breast feeding and finally had a moment to note some favorites as of late.
- My friends are hecka talented! Jason’s new piece “Torn” is pretty fantastic. And Justin recently revamped Frog Hollow Farm’s website and for Halloween created this adorable illustration.
I think Tweed Runs are so cool. Also I am really enjoying hot tea these days (with caffeine!) with Paris tea and Trader Joe’s Cinnamon & Vanilla Black tea being in heavy rotation. Especially enjoyable while listening to Professor Elemental sing this song.
I made this recipe for vegan pumpkin bread and it came out perfect. Sort of forgot the walnuts and used olive oil instead and it was delicious. I still have pumpkin left over so I can make pumpkin soup next. I use a super simple recipe from the Fanny Farmer cookbook.
Brian Ferry has a book out. I really love his photography and look forward to his blog posts. This Starbucks campaign he did with Stephanie Congdon Barnes and More & Co. is total perfection in my book (not that I would expect anything less from these creatives). One of the images has been my desktop image since it was posted and will probably stay that way for months.
Loving the calendar selection on Etsy. This illustrated fruits and vegetable calendar from The Little Canoe tells you what is in season that month. Claire Nereim also has a calendar and gorgeous posters that highlight California produce.