
vingt septembre

Photo taken by vingtseptembre.

Spring is here and Emma is eighteen months old. We live in a charmed area where access to parks are in abundance and we have been out and about visiting a different place every day just the fun of it. One day this week it was so warm that the slide was too hot to go down and we had to stick to the shade. I am really looking forward to taking Emma swimming soon. I got her a bathing suit covered in Paul Frank Julius monkeys and it will not fit her for long—because she is so long! We have this great routine where we go out and have fun and then return to eat and nap. Sometimes I sleep too but usually I am busy with laundry, taking a shower or trying to finish my library book, 1Q84. Sometimes I take a moment to read up on my feeds and am always amazed at what the internet presents. Lately I have been inspired by these things:

The ceramic containers that Ben Fiess makes are so beautiful and functional and exactly what I need to add to my Honey and Clover-esque lifestyle.

This home in Buenos Aires is so gorgeous. I love everything about the space and the simple decoration.

Tried on Warby Parker’s Evelyn sunnies at the Perish Trust over the weekend and they are definitely the frames that I am getting. I am still so happy with the new frames that I got at my eye doctor’s place. They are by Joe, similar in size and also slate colored. I guess that I am consistent.

Loving the Mill and the bread of Josey Baker. First read about him when Heidi of 101 Cookbooks mentioned Josey’s bread. maiki and I have been there twice since, making special trips to the city for toast and coffee (breakfast tea for him) and more bread to bring home. Its so worth it!

So you have probably noticed that my Instagram feed has taken over my blog. Its kind of awesome to have them cross post and it makes for a more enhanced gallery of my life which is cool. maiki and I have talked about lifestream type blog formats a lot over the years and I like the way that this particular theme is set up. Blogging has always been fun but adding photos that I post throughout the day really fleshes out my site and makes me look busy!

Being a mother does keep me busy but also frees up time for my brain to decompress. We laugh about how I started working as a senior in high school and never stopped. Whenever I did break between work I was in school. I am now at the age of thirty five dealing with things that have been ignored from my past for twenty or more years. Its amazing how the human brain works. I am ever thankful of my little family for being so supportive of my growth and emotional recovery. I feel better everyday about my existence in this world.

We like to listen to To Build A Home by Patrick Watson that plays with Neil Degrasse Tyson in this video that maiki posted. Its so beautiful. Note: the vimeo video for To Build a Home by Patrick Watson is very depressing. You may cry a lot afterwards.

Oh and Emma sings “I love you” to us. Check out maiki’s blog to find out more. ^_^

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