Tag Archives: multi-media

the world of elsa mora

I have written about this amazing papercut artist before but have since become fascinated with the world dreamed up by Elsa Mora. She calls herself a multi-disciplined artist but I’m not sure that one can understand her creative depth from such a phrase. Here is a sampling of some of her work:

I am in awe of this woman. She is my new muse and this is why:

She makes clothes and accessories (felt broaches, paper jewelry, embroidered headbands, etc.) and has a creative eye for styling new and vintage clothing.

Captures self portraits and uses photoshop to add artistic backgrounds.

Her hand skills are enviable. She loves needle work, whittling, sculpture, ceramics, drawing, painting, paper cutting and book making (I am sure I left some things out).

She has showings in galleries around the globe of her work.

She is a prolific blogger who shares stories and inspirational notes for her readers. She maintains four craft specific weblogs and a personal site.

Her work brings me joy. I am happy just knowing that there are people in this world who have tapped into their creativity so much that it spills over into everything that they do. She remains playful and curious on her life journey and inspires me to do the same.