Tag Archives: cloud

a new lappy

I bought a Mac Book Air. It has been a while since I purchased a Mac product but I have wanted a replacement since the loss of Cloud, my 20 inch iMac. This new air lappy is named Luna and we are getting along famously. I have a Nexus phone and love Android. Its a beautiful operating system. I used maiki’s Nexus 7 for a spell and that thing is made for Google Reader. Its a fabulous device and inexpensive. As you may remember I practiced graphic design before I became mom and my designer roots needed a computer that could help me tinker and play like I love to do.

Happy cloud

After a week without Cloud (my 20in iMac), yesterday we were reunited and my worries dispelled. I got my computer back, with a new 1 terabyte hard drive and all of my files recovered. I am so relieved! I also had a bit more ram put in so its like new. ^_^

Today maiki imported all of my old Vox posts over to this domain. Vox is closing its doors so to speak and no longer hosting my old Random Butter blog. Now you can read old, poorly written blog posts from 2006. I am glad to have them but embarrassed to discover a lack of capitalization in the beginning. I used to post a lot more often due to prompts by Vox with “questions of the day,” etc. It was good for me at the time and I am glad to share them here.

Now having a cup of tea and relaxing, relatively worry free since my files are restored and backed up to my removable hard drive. Time to get to work on some print work for cog motive!