no make up for me thank you

no make up for me thank you.

No make up for me thank you. Thinking I should have been more serious about wearing sunscreen though. #mabooksbare

The wonderful site The Ma Books is talking about wearing make up and beauty and having a positive self image. In my experience I thought that I should be wearing make up but I felt like I did not know what to do with it. I felt silly when I applied it. I experimented with my mom’s bright lipsticks and bought foundation that did not match my coloring. Eventually I realized that my blemishes looked more obvious when I tried to cover them up. For a while I wore black eye liner. I felt edgier and more grown up. When I stopped wearing it I looked much younger but I felt better with nothing on. I got into glitter for a bit and would wear a sparkly pearl colored eye shadow too. Thank goodness that phase ended and was too much effort to maintain on the daily. Mascara tubes have also been purchased but hardly ever used. Again I thought that I should be trying to make products work for me but I just cannot be bothered.

The one thing that I have always loved and carry in my purse or bag is lip balm. From Lip Smackers in yummy flavors the Cover Girl tubes of shiny gloss they made me feel dressed up even when I wasn’t. Nowadays I still carry a lip balm and some of them even have a spot of color but it quickly wears away. I love Smith’s Rosebud Salve. I love that I can apply to my cuticles or my lips or my elbows. I also found a oil scent that I have managed to apply more days that not this month. It is frankincense and made by the local shop Owl & Wood. I am not sure why I resonate with it so much but it does not smell obtrusive and I can tolerate it lingering on my clothes hours later. It complements the light coconut scent of my deodorant and the oils that I love to use to moisturize.

Now that I am almost forty I am becoming more serious about wearing sunscreen every day and I am outside in the bright sun every day. I have noticed that the sun spots no longer fade as they used to and I do not want to end damaging myself further. I have one by Alba and just bought a mineral sunscreen from Kiehl’s that has a light skin tone tint so that the mineral sunscreeen doesn’t wash out my coloring. It rubs in light and looks like I am not wearing anything at all, which is usually not the case with mineral sunscreen. At Kiehl’s they recommended all of these serums for skin recovery to help my to keep looking youthful. I asked, “So what is the goal to look forty when I am sixty? Why should I not want to age?” The lady gasped and could not come up with an answer. I bought the sunscreen and took the little samples. Getting excited to try them and knowing all too well that I would continue slathering coconut and argan oil on my skin as I already do and they does not come with a hefty price tag.

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